5 things to do when you can't get a job in fashion

5 things to do when you can’t get a job in fashion


Have you started applying for different fashion jobs and internships but you are not getting results? Here are some things you can check and do

  1. Fix and update your CV

80% of the time, the problem with the job applications lies in your resume. You think it’s a simple document in which to write what you think represents you better, but the CV is your winning card. The only thing that represents you to the company. That’s why it must be perfect: a good template, the right keywords tailored to the position will help you to have an irresistible CV.  If your applications are not working, start by looking at your CV and see how you can improve it.

2. Follow up

People love those people who take initiatives, so if you applied for a position and you have not received an answer, follow up with the company and ask if they have received your CV and if they can give you the chance to have an interview. Company loves determined people who do everything to get what they want. Follow-up one more time if nobody answers your first email.

3. Check the position

If you do not receive feedback from any of the jobs you are applying for, perhaps you should ask yourself if you are suitable for that position. Do not apply for jobs that require 2 years experience if you are at the beginning, it is better to start from an internship, if you have experience in journalism it will be more difficult to get a job in marketing. Read the requirements of each position and make sure you have at least 4/6, then update your CV accordingly to bring out the skills required (which does not mean entering false information).

4. Try other roads

If you can not find any jobs, try applying for roles that are similar to what you’d like to get. In fashion 90% of the jobs are obtained through word of mouth and personal connections, so once you’re inside, you’re in! So if you do not get an answer from any of the jobs that interest you, try to apply for something similar. If you want to work as a Buyer but you have not had any luck so far, a position like Merchandiser could still be a right option to get one day your job as a buyer. Look for positions that are in the same department and then you’ll more opportunities to switch roles later.

5. Do not give up

As I already said in the first paragraph, it may not be the right time in the company and therefore it is not a problem related to you. Everyone finds their place sooner or later. Continue to apply, network as much as possible and do not get discouraged!

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