why you need a cover letter to get a job in fashion

3 reasons why you need a cover letter to get a job in fashion


You’re ready to get your dream job in fashion. So you sit at your desk and put down your resume. And you are applying for a job… but wait! Your resume is not enough, there is something else that needs to be done: your cover letter. This document is a crucial step of your job application that you should never skip. 

Do Hiring Managers Read Cover Letters in Fashion?

Recruiters receive hundreds of resumes, but fewer cover letters. Actually, nowadays recruiters read cover letters more than resumes. Why? Because it’s pretty hard to know a person’s motivation just by looking at their resume. Hence recruiters are usually pleased to receive cover letters because it shows that the candidate made an effort to add something more to their application, and they are really motivated to work at that particular company. And while it’s true that hiring managers take 3 seconds on average to analyze a resume, and they have to go through a time-consuming process of reading the 500 applications they receive on average, if they see a cover letter, they will usually be intrigued to read it.

Should You Always Submit A Cover Letter?

While a cover letter may be optional for some positions, it’s usually a good idea to include one in any application you submit. Don’t be tempted by sending only your resume even though it may be the only document a fashion company requires you to send.

A well-written cover letter can help you stand out from the rest of the competition and it’s actually the document that can make you end in the shortlist of those they want to interview, so you may want to use it to your advantage. Hence why you should always, always submit a cover letter, even when it’s not requested. 

Reasons why you need a cover letter to get a job in fashion

If you’re still not convinced about whether or not you should always include one, these are 3 reasons why you need a cover letter to get a job in fashion.

  1. Resumes are cold, cover letters warm it up

Your resume is schematic. You put there a list of experience, courses, and skills. It’s pretty cold to read. While your cover letter is actually a letter, an open document where you can (must) tell your story, and show your personality, enthusiasm, and interest in the job, the company, and the industry. And because of this different kind of content and approach, a cover letter can immediately build a relationship with whoever is reading it. Many hiring decisions are in the end based on a gut feeling and the connection that a recruiter feels with someone, so your cover letter is your first step to start building a relationship with the hiring manager that you can then strengthen during the job interview. Of course, in order to do so, the content inside your cover letter should not just be again what the hiring manager knows from your resume. As I wrote in this article, if you use the cover letter to repeat again the same information that it’s on your resume you’re missing the chance to tell them something else that can get you the job. The fashion industry is hiring for potential. The way you write your cover letter and, of course, the content inside is what will make the difference and get you the job. Recruiters want to know more about your personality, and the reason why you want to get the job and be part of the team, which is something you can only express through a cover letter.

2. Cover letters are your best friends when you don’t have experience

If you are at the beginning of your career and you don’t have previous work experience, or you are one of those job seekers who have gaps in employment, you might feel like you’re not enough to get a job and so you are easily tempted to focus on finding things you can add to your resume to make it more interesting. But the truth is that recruiters know that if you’re applying for internships it’s because you don’t have that much actual experience behind you so they will focus on other ways to decide whether someone is worth inviting over for a job interview. They base their decision on your application strategies (are you using unconventional strategies showing them you think out of the box?) and other documents such as your cover letter. So if you are a student or recent graduate bet on your cover letter more than your CV and use it to convince a recruiter that you have a strong passion for the job and the industry. Show them your why. You might not have that much actual experience behind you, but your cover letter could blow your future boss out of the water and put you straight on the interview shortlist. 

3. Cover letters are personal

While I do always suggest tweaking your resume anytime you apply for a new job by playing with the keywords in the job description, the place where you can really boost the personalization of a job application is a cover letter. Sending a generic, one-size-fits-all cover letter is the most common mistake that people make. Your future employer receives hundreds of different cover letters for one job, and trust me, it becomes pretty obvious when you’ve simply changed the recipient and nothing else. Hiring managers are looking for people who are interested in that particular job and company; they don’t want to hire someone who is just looking for a job. And while you can add the right skills inside your resume, the cover letter is the place where you can really talk about your passion for that specific brand and job and go very in-depth with the personalization. It’s absolutely necessary that you write a new cover letter anytime you apply for a new job so you can really personalize it to the brand. Employers use cover letters to get a sense of how well each candidate would fit in with their company culture; it’s not just about the skills and experience, so make sure you read the company’s values on their websites and mention them. Tell them what you like about that brand and the job and mostly how you match that particular job, and why you are the ideal candidate for the job. A tailored, compelling, and effective cover letter shows you have taken the time to research the company and understand the employer’s needs and job requirements. 

Now it’s time to write your cover letter! Read this article to learn how.

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