1228 posts
What happened in the beauty industry in 2017
New brands, new products, celebrities' lines and more. A recap of this amazing year
Write a CV that works with the Fashion Companies (+ Free Template)
Everything you need to know + a Free CV Template
Being an Interior Blogger with Cara from Goldalamode
Her Full-time blogger journey and tips on how to create always new content
Unveiling The Careers in Fashion Retail
In a fashion company, there are a lot of departments and within them, even more, professional roles. A…
Business Lessons From 5 designers who made Fashion History
Insights to help you start your fashion brand
The Best Fashion Internships and Junior Positions of the week
The best Job offers in New York, London and Milan
BeautyBoss: Pat McGrath, portrait of a passionate business woman
In the second instalment of our BeautyBoss series, we decided to delve into the business story of the most…
Interning in PR & Communications with Valentina
Valentina and I met while completing our Master in Luxury and Fashion Management of Il Sole 24 –…
Fashion Business Mistakes That Are Easy To Avoid
The fashion industry is an unforgiving one and a large percentage of fashion startups don’t make it. Even…
Marianna Hewitt launches her skin-care brand Summer Fridays with Lauren Gores
Why are the brands of the influencers always a success?
Meet Kotryna Bass, the digital expert influencer
Get to know how this influencer used her skills to become a digital expert
Thrive Rather Than Survive With The Right Fashion Store Tech
You need to wear a lot of hats in order to run a fashion store, whether online or…
Working in Fashion: Everything you need to know
6 points that will open up your mind to this industry