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Fashion Careers
56 posts
Fashion editor at a major fashion magazine: the truth behind the job
Anna Wintour, Alexandra Shulman, Emmanuele Alt and Anna Dello Russo are all amazing, powerful and well-respected woman who…
How to Succeed as A Fashion Designer
Have you ever wondered how to become a successful designer and work for a famous fashion house or…
How to Start and Build a Career in Fashion
The Fashion Industry is highly competitive, but there are also great opportunities. Do you know that H&M created…
The Most Sought-After Fashion Jobs of 2018
According to experts from the prestigious Fashion School Istituto Marangoni
What’s like working in Digital Marketing at Benefit Cosmetics – The Career Story of Alessandra
In the latest episode of the podcast we talked about the beauty industry with Francesco who works at…
Discover The World Of Tom Ford Beauty With Francesco Fabiani
I am really excited about today’s episode because it’s about an industry I don’t know much about. Beauty.…
Everything You Need To Know About E-Commerce Careers In Fashion
Be that you are looking for a new job or you want to take a new path in…
Exclusive Interview| Alexandra Cameron on How to Become A Photographer (and Shooting with Zoella)
Her work is pure Art. I asked her to share tips on how to become a photographer, from what to study to building your portfolio and finding your first clients until shooting with the multi-million blogger Zoella.Ā
Do you have to study fashion to work in the industry?
Life is made of decisions that are planned until a certain point. From nursery to high school, everything…
Unveiling The Careers in Fashion Retail
In a fashion company, there are a lot of departments and within them, even more, professional roles. A…
Interning in PR & Communications with Valentina
Valentina and I met while completing our Master in Luxury and Fashion Management of Il Sole 24 –…
The Best Fashion Internships to apply right now
I have selected the best for you in London and New York!
The role of the Fashion Editor Assistant, explained from who works at Vogue
Serena, Vogue Italia Fashion Editor Assistant tells us how she got her role, her first internship and how to become a Fashion Editor
The best fashion jobs to apply now on LinkedIn
5 job opportunities from the best fashion companies. yes, also one from Chanel!