Today with social media the luxury world does not seem so inaccessible. You know that not only celebrities wear luxury brands, and you surely see photos of bloggers and influencers who wear luxury collections. A particular attention goes to the bags, the luxury product purchased even by those who are not loyal customers of the brand. We usually prefer to buy a bag rather than pieces from the collection and combine it with department stores products(Zara, H & M, Asos). The bag is the accessory that is able to change our looks and it is a long-term investment.
If you have to buy your first designer bag, which one would you choose?
This is the same question that I ask myself . I’ve never bought a designer bag like Gucci, Chanel, Cèline,Chloè and every time I think which one of these beauties I would choose if I have to buy one I can’t answer ( maybe because I’d like to have them all 😀 ) .My favorite designer bag of the moment is the Gucci Dionysus and maybe I’d choose this , and you ? What’s your favorite designer bag ?
2. Gucci Dionysus GG supreme
3. Céline
4.Chloè Faye
5.Chloè Drew
6. Chloè Georgia