In our Influencer Interview Series, we talk to some of the most amazing bloggers and influencer out there to understand how their business works and what’s really like having this kind of career. We spoke with amazing fashion influencers like Aria Di Bari, Adriana and last week with the Digital Expert Kotryna. Today I want to introduce you our first interview with an interior blogger. While most of the influencers out there are focused on Fashion, I have seen how the interest for interior design is growing, in fact, most fashion bloggers have started to introduce home decor posts too. Â That’s why I think having an interior Influencer would have been really interesting for you.
I started following Cara (and if you don’t yet, you will definitely follow her after reading this post) because I simply loved her bright photos of her amazing house. I found her on Instagram and her feed is your perfect daily dose of inspiration of home decor with cute dogs too.
1.Hi Cara, it’s a pleasure to have you today in our Influencer Interview Series and you’re our first interior blogger, can I define you like this? What does your blog is about?
Hi! So happy to be a part of the series! Yes, you can definitely define me as an interior blogger / influencer. My blog mainly focuses on DIY for the home and decor. I do throw in some lifestyle posts about either travel or my own personal life such as my wedding.
2.When and why did you start it?
I started blogging about 3 years ago but I wasn’t happy with my blog. I felt like it didn’t align with my brand, Goldalamode, so I started my new blog earlier this year (2017). I started because a lot of my Instagram followers were asking for more detailed posts and asking questions. I wanted my blog to be an extension of my life where people can go for more information.

3. I think that posting always new content is much more difficult in your case. A fashion blogger can change clothes and create a new look to post on Instagram, but when you have to create a new home décor post it’s like you have to change your house. And your posts are always different from each other that it’s like you have 100 rooms. How do you manage this?
I just giggled a little because the behind the scenes of a home decor blogger is quite funny. It is a struggle some weeks to get content up especially if I’m busy on the business end of blogging. It’s hard to keep the house in tip top shape for photos. I’m usually changing at least 2-3 rooms in our house at a time. I look at the rooms like a piece of my art and in my eyes, they’re never really finished. My taste also changes quite a bit because I’m always looking for new inspiration. I’m always working with new brands as well which helps keep a rotation of product in my home.
4.When did you feel it was the time to do it full-time? What has changed?
I started blogging full-time last November (2016). It has been a little over a year since I started doing it full time. I felt it was time to do it full time when I was having trouble finding time to do my blogging duties. I was getting invited to events and I couldn’t go because I had work. I also had to make sure I was making what I was making at my job + some in order for it to make sense. I looked at it as if I had the time I could get more blogging jobs.
5.Your Instagram feed is a dream, it’s like Pinterest, full of amazing interior ideas, how do you manage it and plan your content?
I use an app called UNUM to plan out my feed. I don’t plan it much in advance- only 1-3 photos. I think when your feed is super niche it’s helpful because your photos tend to go together because your style. If you stay true to your style then your feed should stay pretty cohesive.

6.Let’s talk about the business side. How do you monetize your blog?
The business side is like the dirty secret of bloggers; not many people talk about it. I think that’s because most aren’t really sure / still figuring it out and the ones who do know don’t really want any more competition. A blogger can monetize their blog and themselves in a couple ways — sponsored posts, affiliate links, products (e-books, consultations services), and google adsense. I personally use mainly sponsored posts and affiliate links with You can also use to see a round about number to how much your posts are worth as an influencer.
7. Lots of bloggers are focusing only on Instagram and less on their own blogs, what do you think about this? Brands are interested in collaborating with your blog or could you live only with your Instagram?
I think having a blog is definitely needed. Most brands I work with require you to have a blog and not only that but you can charge more money for posting on that platform (if your numbers are good enough). I also see it as an online portfolio for my own personal work. It’s a great place to send companies to see some of your other sponsored posts and what you do as a blogger. It’s also a great way to build your e-mail list. That’s something that I want to focus on 2018. It’s never a good idea to be a one trick pony. Just say for example if Instagram disappeared (which it probably won’t) but you want to have your following somewhere else as well just in case.
8. Do you contact the brands or they ask you to collaborate?
Both. I used to think I had to wait around for companies to reach out to me but it just dawned on me one day that I can reach out to companies I want to work with. It’s all about approach. It was definitely a process to learn what to say to companies. I’m still learning. I think that’s the beauty in blogging – you are continuously learning.
9. What do you think it’s a great strategy to grow the exposure of your blog and let people and brands discover your work?
Networking! Networking online and in person is so important for exposure. Networking could lead you to a job in the following year. Letting people know online and offline what you do will always help you in the long run. I’ve gotten into random conversations in Target and mentioned my blog. You never know who you’re going to meet / talk to.
10. What camera and tools do you use for your beautiful and bright photography?
This is actually another one of my goals for 2018. I use my Canon Rebel T5i and mainly “A Color Story” on my phone. I try to keep my photos pretty natural and not too filtered so I do a lot of brightening and sharpening mostly. I’m planning on investing in myself and my business next year to learn Photoshop, get a better computer for editing and a better lens. I think it’s really important to invest back into your work as a blogger