Marissa Galante Fashion Director at Bloomingdale's on getting in Fashion

Marissa Galante Frank Fashion Director at Bloomingdale’s on Getting in Fashion


Today I’m extremely happy and honored to introduce you Marissa Galante, Fashion Director at one of the best luxury department stores in the world Bloomingdale’s. She got in fashion as an intern at Michael Kors and started working at Bloomingdale’s as an assistant personal shopper. She represents the perfect ambitious hard-working woman in fashion and set herself the goal of becoming Fashion Director by the time she turned 30, which she has accomplished! In this interview, she shares with us how she understood what job was made for her at the beginning of her career in fashion, her biggest career challenges, how an intern should be, how to progress your career in fashion within the same company, what she does as a Fashion Director and much more.

Enjoy it!

1.Hi Marissa! Could you please introduce yourself to the Glam Observer Community?

Hello! My name is Marissa Galante Frank and I’m the Bloomingdale’s Fashion Director for accessories and beauty.

2. What did you study?

Sociology at the University of Delaware.

3. What was your first job in fashion?

My first fashion job was a summer internship at Michael Kors. At the time men’s was a newer category for the brand and I helped the merchandising and sales team. I loved it so much that I went back during winter break.

4. Have you always dreamed of working in fashion?

Not necessarily. I have three older sisters, one of which I was always getting compared to growing up. She is in fashion and because of that I think I rebelled against the concept because subconsciously I wanted to prove that I had my own ‘thing’. My first internship was actually in advertising. That internship helped me realize that I wasn’t that interested in advertising (ha!) and that I truly needed something more creative. 

5. How did you understand what job was made for you at the beginning of your career in fashion?

My first job at Bloomingdale’s was an assistant personal shopper and this is when I met one of my mentors who happened to be a Fashion Director. I asked her so many questions and when I learned what her job entailed I knew it was for me. She and I are still very close to this day and I’m so grateful to her for opening my eyes to this career that I didn’t know existed. I’m also grateful to my boss at the time who was so supportive of me for following my passion. He and I are still very close as well!  

6. You’re now Fashion Director at one of the best luxury department stores Bloomingdale’s, what do you do?

As a Bloomingdale’s Fashion Director my job is dynamic and every day is different. I work with product from the inception phase in market all the way until our customer sees it in our store and on our site. My team and I create quarterly trend presentations which outline key stories and our vision for the upcoming season. Ultimately these trends influence what we buy and how we present our merchandise through different marketing vehicles: social, emails, digital look books, print catalogs, in-store displays etc. I work closely with my merchant team deciding which brands Bloomingdale’s carries and I help to facilitate exclusive collaborations with designers depending on the market trends.

7. What do you like the most about your job?

I love finding what is fresh and new! I am an extremely visual person so when I see something different or exciting I naturally take a mental note. Seeing that small idea blossom into a big trend or theme is SO rewarding. I also love developing exclusive merchandise for our private label line, playing “designer” is too fun. 

8. What have been the biggest challenges throughout your career in fashion?

I’m often my own biggest challenge. My job as Fashion Director is all about trusting your instincts and believing in your ideas, no matter how wild and crazy they may seem! I believe many women of my generation grew up with and suffer from the ‘good girl mentality’. Society told us that being a ‘good girl’ was important which means playing by the rules, waiting your turn to speak and often being risk averse. Every day I try and push myself to rebel against that thinking by taking calculated, thoughtful chances. I push myself to speak up and make sure my voice is heard, no matter who is in the room.

9. If you had to hire an Intern/assistant how would he/she be?

My favorite interns have been the ones who teach me something new. I LOVE learning about new brands, new trends, what their friends are wearing on campus, hot new artists, etc. I want to know it all! If I am working on a collection focused on a Gen-Z customer, I want to go in with a Gen-Z perspective and I always lean on my interns for that help. It is extremely important that interns are self-motivated, positive and team players. Extra points if you have your own personal style, extra extra points if it is different than mine. 

10. What is the first thing you do when you get into the office?

Say hello to anyone on my team who is in the office already, I love the other fashion directors I work with and feel so lucky to be surrounded by such talented people. Then I check my email and drink my iced coffee. Then I usually get ANOTHER iced coffee đŸ™‚

11. You started working at Bloomingdale’s as Assistant Fashion Director for almost 2 years, then you became Associate Fashion Director and you’re now Fashion Director. What are your tips for progressing a career in fashion within the same company?

Work hard and be kind to people. Form relationships with colleagues on different teams throughout the organization. Positions and initiatives change constantly and you may end up working closely with someone that you didn’t expect. Stay true to yourself as much as possible, do not let the behavior of others affect how you handle your work or manage your people.

12. You set yourself the goal of becoming Fashion Director by the time you turned 30. And you did it! Congrats! What actions have been necessary to achieve this big goal and to make sure you were on the right track?

Thank you!!! A lot of hard work, taking risks and taking the lead on projects that I was drawn to. I have a good relationship with my boss and I have so much respect for her. We try to have constant conversations about development, things that are important to both of us and the company as a whole. Each year I set small goals with my boss and tried to go above and beyond them.

13. Do you have any special morning routine that helps you get ready for a productive day?

I am a big breakfast person. There is nothing I love more than eating breakfast and reading the WWD Digital Daily on my couch. Usually Bravo or Ru Paul’s drag race is on my TV in the background.

14. What are your tips for those who want to start a career in fashion?

Ask questions and read everything you can! Read about all of the people in the industry you admire, read BOF and WWD, read magazines, do your homework and know about fashion’s past and present so you can find out where you fit in fashion’s future.

Want to kick-start your career in Fashion? Check out our online Course on How to break into the Fashion Industry and join other girls who already got their jobs at Dior, LVMH, ELLE…

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