How to make sure you reach your fashion career goals by the end of the year

Mid-year check-in + How to make sure you reach your fashion career goals by the end of 2020


We are already in June. Can you believe it? With all that has happened with the pandemic and quarantine do you also feel as if someone has taken months away? Time has passed without realizing it, yet we are already halfway into the year.

During these months my encouragement has always been to not stop completely, despite the whole world slowing down, but to take advantage of this time that was not available before, to work on your personal growth.

The Instagram post “Your dreams have not been canceled” that I posted during the first weeks of quarantine, 3 months ago was one of the most popular:

and I still want to bring it back to you because, despite everything, I still believe that all your dreams and goals have not been canceled, it is true that they may have been postponed, but not canceled.

We all had different plans for this year. There are those who were about to start an internship that has been interrupted by the closure of the companies, those who were in the middle of job interviews that have been postponed, those who graduated and were looking forward to moving abroad to start their first internship.

I also had plans for Glam Observer: new fashion panels on Milan, London and New York and on a personal note, my wedding …

When I look at these events that have been canceled I always try to think positively and that they have only been moved and not canceled. What has helped me through these months is focusing on the things I can do now. Focusing on the things I have control over. I can’t inspire you through the events for now, but I can give you career advice through the articles, Instagram, the online course, the podcast … so instead of focusing on organizing events and the details of my wedding, I’ve focused on what I am in total control.

It is important to keep the goals in mind and understand what actions we can take now and have control over.

Since we are halfway through the year and with everything that has happened, it is time to take a look at our goals and do a mid-year check-in/review, to see which ones we have achieved and which ones to continue working on.

We have heard many times the story in which on January 1st we set our resolutions for the new year, but then on December 31st if you take up that list, in reality, there are few things that we can tick. This is because we tend to lose sight of the goals during the year and we forget about them and then it’s too late. Despite 2020 has been a challenging year, let’s still make the best it can be for us.

In this podcast episode where I talk about setting and achieving your fashion career goals, one of the strategies I suggest is to write down your goals EVERY MORNING.

It is easy to lose sight of what you want, especially in these uncertain times when being able to maintain motivation and find inspiration is even more difficult. That’s why, writing down your goals of the year every single morning, helps you stay focused, motivated and above all, it’s a practice that reminds you daily to work toward your goals to turn them into your reality.

So take that list of goals you wrote when you listened to the podcast episode for the first time or at the beginning of the year. (If you haven’t listened to it yet, I suggest you do it because it’s one of the best episodes of The Glam Observer Podcast.)

Now read again your goals and check what you have achieved and what you still have to achieve by the end of the year. Although 2020 was a special year and probably not as we expected, you can still achieve your goals.

At this time of the year, you can adjust and add new goals. Our priorities change frequently and maybe these months have made you reflect and understand what you really want so if your goals have changed do not try to stick with the ones you set at the beginning of the year.

One of your goals was to have a job in fashion already at this time of the year, but your applications seem not to work?

Keep in mind your goal and change strategies, perhaps your way of applying so far is not the most correct. I have a free webinar on 4 strategies to use to find work in fashion. If you have already watched it then I recommend the online course Break into the fashion industry and in a few days you will have totally revolutionized your approach to applications and finally you will get responses when you apply for a fashion job or internship.

On your list, there is also the goal to build your fashion network and meet 70 new people by 2020?

How many did you get to? How many do you miss? Open a new excel sheet and keep track of the people you added on LinkedIn and Instagram and with whom you have established a connection and see how many people you still want to connect with. If until now you have connected with 20 people and your target was 70, you have 50 left. With 6 months of the year remaining, it means that you have to connect with about 8 people per month, therefore 2 people per week in order to respect your goal.

Dividing your goals into smaller ones by months and weeks make it easier for you to achieve as you break it down into practical actions you can take every week.

Did you want to work backstage during fashion week?

If February didn’t work, organize yourself now to make it happen for the September fashion week. Listen here on Apple Podcast or Spotify the episode about why you should work during the fashion week and how to do it.

Did you want to start your own fashion website and publish your articles to be noticed by some editors and write for your favorite fashion magazine?

Start your blog today. I have a free webinar that you can watch in which I explain the three things to do to start writing for fashion magazines. Click here to register and watch it for free.

Do not get discouraged or blame yourself if there are still so many points on your list that you need to achieve. This has been a special year, so don’t be stressed about the fact that you still lack a lot to accomplish, but be positive because you still have 6 months to catch up with what you want to achieve. Do you feel the enthusiasm for all the things you can and still have to do in this second part of 2020?

Finally, it seems that the world is ready to reopen after months of quarantine. Start looking at the opportunities that are close to you or in the cities where you can move, look at the jobs you can do online and start preparing for the day when there will be travel between the different countries again in order to check off your goals to work abroad.

In 6 months you can totally transform your life and make up for the time we lost in these months. You can do it!

What your CV and Portfolio should look like post-pandemic

What your CV and Portfolio should look like post-pandemic

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