Partners that you need if you want to take your blog to the next level


For a lot of people who consider embracing the fashion side of life, the idea of a fashion business is appealing. It’s fun, innovative, creative, and it’s often the perfect match to your favorite hobby. After all, it’s the best way to make the most of your knowledge of the fashion industry, your eye for the detail that makes all the difference — and believe me when I say that in the fashion world, the Devil doesn’t wear Prada, but detail accents and accessories instead — and your natural sense of shape and design. For a lot of freelancing fashion experts, everything starts with a humble blog that discusses the latest catwalk discoveries, the best looks for the season, and of course, your review of the famous high street brands in beauty, accessories, and clothing. But there’s a point when you get successful, and it becomes clear that your fashion business is outgrowing the personal blog that you started on your own. There are thankfully some clear signs that you’ve reached the golden points of business growth. Firstly, you find yourself struggling with managing all your projects within their deadlines. Secondly, your blog is experiencing a steady growth in terms of visitors and inbound links. And finally, your business income has doubled, tripled or quadrupled! Congratulations. But you can’t tackle business growth on your own. These are the top 3 partners and suppliers that you need to rely on to get your fashion business to the next step.  

Financial partners and suppliers

Yes, we get that you might have more budget available. However, financing growth is a mixture of working with your business or personal savings and with additional financing options from lines of credit to investors. You can even apply for a commercial loan at your bank. However, before you consider a commercial loan, you need to ensure that you’ve registered your business as an LLP or an LTD entity. A freelance business that uses you as a sole trader will not be eligible for commercial financing.

The right IT support

Scaling up your business is synonymous with more customers, more employees — that is if you need to hire people to help you tackle the work — and consequently more equipment to remain on top of your productivity. In other words, you will need to find an IT provider who can get you the right support for your needs, from high-quality devices to professional cloud security. Besides, if your website is getting a lot of visitors, you might want to add a virtual server for peak times.

You may also like How to become a professional full-time Fashion Blogger

Marketing and PR expert

Even if you’ve made your name by yourself in the fashion sector, when your business begins to grow, you need to turn to professional marketing advisors to handle your branding and awareness campaigns. From improving your SEO results to reach new target audiences abroad to getting journalists to mention you in their articles, there are many ways your business can benefit from an established marketer who has experience and knowledge in the fashion industry.

We hope this will help you to manage your blog growth like a pro and climb the ladder of the fashion industry successfully.


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