Why investing in your career is important

Why investing in your career is important


Here at Glam Observer, our purpose is to motivate and inspire you so you can find and get the job of your dreams, whether you want to work in a fashion or beauty company, start your own business in this industry or become a successful blogger/influencer.

As in a business or a blog, investing in your career is absolutely necessary to achieve your goals.

But what does it mean to invest in your career, how do you do it and why is it so important?

Investing in yourself is definitely the best investment you’ll ever make, it means growing both professionally and personally at the same time.

A constant investment over time will allow you to acquire new knowledge, improve and increase skills and then be ready to face any situation with greater security but also true expertise.

If I have not convinced you, perhaps you just need to know that all successful people have invested and still invest in themselves and in their careers every day.

For successful people I mean people who have started their own (million dollars) business, people who now occupy important roles within companies (CEO, Top Managers) and in general people who have managed to achieve their desired success.

Investing in your career does not just mean being able to increase your income. There is no single definition of success, perhaps for someone to succeed means being able to combine private life and work, each has its goals and its ambitions.

All those who invest in themselves are more satisfied than others and achieve what they set in less time and easily.

Investing in your career means taking some money and reserving them for things that can improve you. We all have monthly subscriptions to Netflix and/or to fit classes, but have you ever thought of reserving at least the same amount to invest in your career?

I admit that even I was guilty until a few years ago, but since I started to reserve a monthly amount to improve myself and increase my skills I feel much better, more satisfied with myself and also the results I get are definitely improved.

It takes very little to invest in yourself and in your career, the cost of a coffee (or even less) a day.

Here’s what to invest monthly to improve your career:


Reading allows you to broaden your knowledge. I read many posts that explained the importance of reading books and the great added value they give to the person. At the beginning, I was not really convinced, but the more you start reading books, the more you will discover that from each one, you will get a message that you can then apply to any area of your life. Every time you finish a book you will feel satisfied with what you have learned. I enjoy reading books written by entrepreneurs who tell their success stories. You learn a lot from them, especially how they got their current status and what they did over the years. They are a source of inspiration and you can apply their actions to your life.

One of my 2018 resolutions is to read a book a month.


Investing in one’s education is priceless. Even after finishing your studies, never stop learning. Attend online courses, short evening classes or even some workshops during the weekend. The satisfaction of having learned something new that one day you can apply at work or in life is priceless. The online courses have different prices and some are even free. You can check on Coursera or take a look at some school websites to see which courses they offer.

3. Subscriptions

As for Netflix and the gym there are monthly subscriptions to which you can subscribe that contribute to the career. Look if your favorite websites offer a premium membership because membership content is generally much valuable than those provided for free. For example, I have subscribed to Business Of Fashion. I find their contents very informative so I could not not subscribe to BOF Professionals. I’ve also signed up for LinkedIn, which offers many more services than the free account. I am also a subscriber to several business and fashion magazines. The investment in your career is the one that has the greatest return and above all the one you can touch with your hand. The more you learn the smarter you become.

I’m a Google believer but it does not always offer all the answers and when you work you do not have all the time to do research on research so you need to stay up to date and continue to learn even when you have little time. Investing also means saving time and nowadays and in the sector like fashion and digital, time is fundamental and it is always faster. We must always be a step ahead of others.

What do you think? Do you invest in your career on a monthly basis? What do you do?
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