3 Almost Effortless Ways To Finance Your Next Fashion Line

3 Almost Effortless Ways To Finance Your Next Fashion Line


The fashion industry can be a brutal and harsh mistress, and if you aren’t working to get your name, brand, and next line out there, you are as good as dead in the water. Sadly, the costs of designing, sewing, showing, and marketing even the smallest of lines is unusually astronomical. Luckily, there are some fairly effortless ways that you can use to help fund your next fabric masterpieces, read on to find out what they are.


The first way that you might be able to come up with the funds to finance the next fashion line that you are designing is by forming a collaboration with another house, designer, or brand.

The idea here is that if they are already well established in the market, you can benefit from their expertise, as well as the financial backing that they have behind them.

What this means is that you probably won’t be paid too much for your efforts, but what you lose in wages you will almost certainly make up for in advertising, and experience. Something that makes such an opportunity certainly worth considering if it comes your way.

Raise some cash

The next option is for the more entrepreneurial of spirit. It’s all about putting your nose the grindstone and coming up with the funds to get those samples made and pay for that stage for the girls to strut down.

Happily, there are quite a few different ways of doing this including selling accessories you have designed and manufactured yourself.

Another option is to use investing to grow any savings you have to the point where they will be enough to allow you to follow your fashion dreams. Many folks plump straight for buying stocks and shares in this case, but there some other pretty lucrative options out there to consider as well such as Forex.

Don’t stress if you haven’t heard of, or if you don’t understand Forex either as there is some top class info you can find on financial and investment websites that can help you make the right decisions. There are even videos on youtube that can help you understand the lingo used in this area such as currency pairs, long position, and crosses.

Negotiate an advance

Last of all, if the other two options don’t appeal to you why not try to get your line accepted by a major department store? Yes, this is something that can be super hard especially for a designer that is just starting out.

In fact, to do this successfully you are going to need a pretty strong pitch, and it’s also always worth looking out for any design competitions that offer this or something like it as a price.

You’d better have a pretty strong plan and pitch if you are hoping to get an advance.

Remember that if you can pull this off on the strength of your drawing and mockups alone, it can make a massive difference to your chances of getting your work out there for real people to buy and the fashion press to drool over.

Casey Watson Interview

How Casey went from Parsons to Interning in Fashion to Community and Social Media Director at Bloglovin

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