9 ways to stand out in your fashion job application


500 people on average apply for a job in fashion. You can imagine that in order to get noticed but above all standout and prove to be the perfect candidate for that job, you need to do something that goes beyond the standards.
Fashion companies prefer, when hiring, people who show creativity and take the initiative to submit an impactful application.

My goal with Glam Observer is to help you get a job in fashion, which is why I listed for you unconventional super strategies to stand out among all the other candidates.

  1. Video Application

Do you want to get a job at all costs and surprise everyone? Submit a video application and you will amaze everyone. Explain in a few minutes who you are and why you would like to work for that company. There is no need for professional equipment to do a great video application. Just a tripod that holds your smartphone, a simple background like your desk and formal clothing as if you were at an interview. If you have not yet watched the movie “The Intern” Robert De Niro makes a video application if you want to take inspiration 😉

2. Apply online but send an email to the recruiters.

The email is the most direct approach to anyone. Everyone applies online by filling out a form, so a recruiter who receives an application via email will surely be impressed. The main obstacle, in this case, is to find the recruiter’s email, but in this article, I have explained to you some tricks that will help you get the emails of anyone working in fashion, recruiters included. To find out who is the recruiter responsible for the position, check on LinkedIn. As you can see from the picture below, you can find who is the recruiter who posted the position and this will be your contact person.

3.Adjust your CV and Cover Letter to the position

It is important to personalize the CV and the cover letter for each job offer by adding the keywords. One of the most important ways to show you’re the right person for the job is to spell out how you would fit into the position and the company’s goals. Giving a few examples of how your past experience is transferrable shows that you’ve thought through how you would fit into the brand. I highlighted the keywords to be included in the CV and cover letter if you’d apply for the Personal Shopper job at Browns above, as a guide of what are the keywords that you need to identify in a job offer and insert in your previous experiences and skills on your resume and cover letter.

4. Send work ideas

In your application submit project ideas that you would do if you were hired.

Do you want to work for a fashion magazine? Submit 3 article ideas with a brief description. Do you want to work in marketing? Develop 3 ideas, include your market research, competitor and market analysis and create ad hoc graphics. You can put it all together in a power point.

5.Mention the company’s values 

It’s super important that you learn everything about the company before applying and before going to a job interview. Visit the company website and spend some time understanding their values. Are they a sustainable brand? Do they promote women empowerment? Write down the values while you read on and mention them in your cover letter and during the job interview when you have to explain why you want to work there. 

6. Show you’re still improving yourself

Degrees have value, sure. But candidates who continue learning after traditional schooling, whether via online courses or workshops, demonstrate curiosity and drive. Girls who mentioned they were taking the online course break into the fashion industry or that they are part of the Glam Observer Community impressed the companies and recruiters because they have shown their true passion for this industry and ambition. So add to your CV all the online courses and workshops you’re taking. 

7. Create a portfolio, site or document that showcase your work

Rather than simply listing the activities of your previous work and school experiences, or personal projects, prove them with examples. Create a PDF, a portfolio, a website… Companies prefer to see practically what you have realized, whether it is an article, a marketing project, the design of a collection, a photoshoot… Collect the material and create a document or website that have a visual impact. It doesn’t matter if you weren’t the only one working on that project, just mention all the people involved. Showing your projects or those in which you have been involved through images, graphics, articles, videos makes the idea of ​​your work more clear.

8.Ask a professor or former boss for a recommendation letter

Ask your former boss or university professor to write a recommendation letter for you. Read the job offer carefully and guide them to mention the competences and soft skills that are relevant to that position.

9. Build and leverage your connections

Find on LinkedIn and Instagram people who work at your favorite brands and start connecting with them. Build a genuine relationship and when the time is right, ask if they are hiring, looking for an intern or if they can pass you the recruiter contact.

You can read other members exclusive articles on how to build your connections here:

How I build and cultivate connections in fashion

How to build your own fashion network


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