How to start a successful career in fashion

How to start a successful career in fashion


Have you watched too many times “The Devil wears Prada” or when you read fashion magazines or enter stores you think you would like to be a part of this world from the inside and not just as a consumer?

The fashion industry can do this effect.

Especially to those who are so passionate about fashion and will soon have to enter the working world, they immediately think that the most fun and glamorous job is in the fashion industry.

Shoes, bags, wonderful clothes … It seems like a dream. Before starting with tips on how to start a successful career in fashion, I want you to know that no matter how wonderful the clothes of the brand are or how great is a magazine cover, in the end, the fashion industry is a business like everyone else, therefore there is the glamour but there is above all a lot of work.

So many people want to work in fashion. I’m not here to discourage you, I’m always the first to encourage the community by emphasizing the fact that everyone can be part of this industry whatever the previous path. Yes, even if you haven’t studied fashion, you can be part of this sector.

Fashion is known for being a closed and sometimes unfriendly environment, but I have met wonderful people in this business. There will always be the person who do not like you and who will try to get you into the wheel and there really are people like Miranda Priestly. In general, it is known that fashion is among the most stressful industries, and speaking about this, you can read here how to manage stress in this sector.

My goal with Glam Observer is to make fashion accessible to all those who dream of working in this industry, who have a lot of passion and desire to work hard in a collaborative and kind way. Everything else: in which city you live, which school did you attend, how many people you know who work in fashion, in the end, it doesn’t count. If you have the passion and desire to work hard, you will be able to do it too!

Starting a successful fashion career, in reality, is not so complicated, there are few things to do but that must be performed to perfection, because being a dream of many people, a single mistake can put you behind the other candidates. I don’t want you to look at what others are doing and then start a competition, I want you to focus on yourself and give your best in what you can do. One of the key success factors in fashion is the creativity. You are unique so if you try to emulate others, you will lose the uniqueness that makes you the interesting person you are.

From the moment you decide you want to work in fashion, think big. Think beyond the standards in all phases: from the creation of the CV to the cover letter to the job interview. Think about how you might surprise the company by showing how much you are worth.

You are a fantastic person and the company will be happy to have you inside the team, you just have to prove it.

Identify in which area of ​​the sector you would like to get in

The first thing to do to start a career in fashion is to identify the department within which you would like to work in. A fashion company is not just about designers, journalists or models. There are all the professional figures like in any other company: administration, finance, lawyers and then there are more specific figures of the fashion industry such as the merchandiser, the stylist, the buyer … Each of us has personal and professional characteristics that make us more suitable for a job or another. All the figures are important and together they run the orchestra of the fashion industry. If there was only the designer and no one to take care of the management side, as much as the clothes could be amazing, the business would not go on.

So try to visualize in which department you see yourself.
PR and marketing? Design? Styling? The choice depends on a mix of passion but also skills. Are you good at starting a conversation with anyone? Maybe you should work in PR.

Do you like both numbers and the creative part? A buyer role perhaps? Do you like to sketch and see your clothes come to life? Are you a designer then? Do you like writing about new collections and telling about fashion? You’re a journalist.

Go above and beyond with the application

Once you have found the area of the fashion industry you want to get in – which by the way you can always change later if you realize that it is not for you- it is time to look for your first work experience.

Visit all your favorite brand websites and those that post job offers like fashionjobs, indeed, LinkedIn and start reading the job offers carefully. Make a list of your favorite companies and cold email them even when you don’t find any job offers online.

Before submitting your resume and apply, research the company in order to personalize your application as much as possible. Then adapt your CV and cover letter to that specific position. Show that you have done your research and that you are not applying randomly to all companies but that you want to work for them.

With the cover letter it is easier than with the CV, to express your passion for that specific company and to explain why you are the right person by mentioning your skills. Note that the cover letter does not have to be a summary of your CV and that even when it is not compulsorily required in the online application phase, it is always better to add it.

Think beyond the lines, how could you surprise the company so that they notice your application? A creative CV? Send an email to the recruiter or your future boss? Go there in person and also bring a handwritten letter? The company does not know you, so use all the available documents: the cv, cover letter and portfolio with examples of works (they can also be personal, like articles not published anywhere yet or sketches of clothes of a collection created by youself..)

Try to prove every skill you put in your CV with practical examples.

It’s time to get into the industry

If it is true that to work in fashion there is not a well-defined path like becoming a doctor or lawyer, there is one thing that anyone who want to work in fashion can do. All people, even those who today hold top roles, started from the same point: internships. In fact, the common step of everyone who has started or want to start a career in fashion is starting with an internship. Whatever department you want to work in, there is always the corresponding internship: Pr internship, design internship, communication internship, buying internship…

So when looking for job offers, if you still have little or no experience in the industry, you have to apply for internships.

After about 6 months / 1 year, an internship will turn into a full-time job and your entry into the fashion industry have been easy. Getting an internship is easier than getting a job, so the most painless and least stressful way to start a career in fashion is to turn an internship into a full-time job within the same company.

I have a free masterclass with 4 tips to get a job in fashion quickly 🙂You can register here.


Another fundamental element of a successful career in fashion is your network. Most fashion jobs are assigned through word of mouth, so the more people you know, the more opportunities you’ll have. It might seems impossible to meet people who work in fashion when you are not yet in the industry, but today thanks to Instagram and LinkedIn everyone can start a conversation online with a stylist or buyer. If you feel intimidated by senior people, start the conversation with fellow interns or assistants. Keep an eye on Eventbrite and attend as many events as possible to meet people from the industry. The Glam Observer Fashion Panel and the Fashion Conference were a fantastic occasion to network and many people exchanged their portfolio and contacts during the events that turned into job offers! Our next events are coming soon 😉

So talk to as many people as possible even when you’re inside a company because you never know what a connection could bring you. Definitely something good 😉

Patience and perseverance

Sometimes the opportunity happens from one day to the next, but most of the time the job search process requires patience and perseverance. Don’t lose your motivation when you have not received a reply after submitting a few applications. Even those who currently hold managerial and high-level roles admit that they had to send on average 40 applications and many emails to get their first job. So do not get discouraged and continue to believe in yourself. If you see that your application still does not work maybe there is something wrong with the process: it could be your CV that is not adapted to that position or is not creative enough or you are applying for a wrong job or you have not gone above and beyond with your application. With How to break into the fashion industry, the students have totally changed their approach to the application process, not only using the CV and cover letter templates but also implementing new strategies and using tools such as Instagram and LinkedIn to get a job.

Study the sector – be hungry

Even if you haven’t attended a fashion school, you still need to know everything about the industry. Today, you can learn about everything online. So read fashion books, listen to podcasts, keep up-to-date with websites that publish daily updates, attend short courses or online courses to increase your skills. Be hungry and willing to learn always more.

I have a free masterclass with 4 tips to get a job in fashion quickly 🙂 You can register here.


The best fashion jobs and internships to apply now

Happy Friday GO member! Please find below the selection of the best fashion jobs and internships of the…

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