The diary of a fashion pr intern

The diary of a fashion intern : Feeling inspired again


The diary of a fashion pr intern

The Diary of a Fashion PR Intern is a new weekly series where you can read the inspiring stories of fashion interns.

During the last few weeks of my first fashion PR Internship, I often had the feeling of not being in the right sector. Fashion did not seem to be the main focus of the work that I was doing on a daily basis and I missed the feeling of being inspired.

I know that it might sound childish to believe the fun and inspirational part would kick in even before the real career has even begun, but when you do not feel 100 percent happy you start doubting all the steps you have chosen and your expectations on how the job should actually be start to rise.

I am not sure whether you guys know about it, but I have changed from one fashion PR internship to another one. The first one has been an unbelievably challenging yet amazing and really realistic first internship. I have had a lot of responsibility when it comes to working with clients and organising the daily office and showroom life.

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I had to deal with tasks that interns usually never get their hands on.

I really loved the supportive and understanding mindset of my colleagues. However, I would not have described myself as happy and in the right place.

I luckily had the opportunity to accept another internship offer of a PR agency located in Shoreditch, London.

During my first week, we have had an event coming up and all the interns were invited.

The event took place in Marylebourne on a Thursday evening right after we have finished working.

I did not expect anything in particular. I did not know what kind of guests we would have, what kind of event, in general, it would be and so I arrived tired and without any expectations.

After a couple of the lovely free gin and prosecco lime drinks and lots of delicious food from the buffet, I started to have a look around.

Young diverse people everywhere, mostly dressed up in high street yet street style inspired looks and major hip-hop culture vibes.

Everyone was laughing and dancing, nobody cared about what it looked like or how the other person was dressed.

I felt so right in place that moment. I could not feel anything else but joy and lots of inspiration flowing through my veins. It might sound dramatic and like an overdose of emotion. But this is the feeling everyone should get once they start to realise their dreams and work for them.

I always knew that I wanted to work in fashion but certain experiences sometimes slowed my drive and believe down.

***Hey girls! Did you miss our first Fashion Panel in Milan but want to listen to the inspiring career stories of our speakers and their tips to get into the fashion industry? Get the digital pass and watch the full conversation whenever you want!***

Fashion obviously is about working hard and showing off your potential in order to grow and further to be seen by influential people who could help you to develop your career.

But never forget that it always needs the right balance of hard work and inspiration.

I am looking forward to all the upcoming events and press days in October.

I know that some of the intern tasks might not be as challenging anymore, but I know that the environment and outcome will make me unbelievably happy in the end.

I am super thankful for that.

I was able to make so many new contacts during that one evening as I have not done during the last few weeks that I am in London.

I wish that all of you will experience this kind of feeling during a time in which you are not feeling confident in what you are doing.

If you know you know.

Lilly Meuser

You can read the previous episodes of The Diary of a Fashion Intern here:

Interning can be hard sometimes

My first week as a fashion PR Intern

The Job Interview

My name is Lilly, Fashion Pr Intern

Photo LillyMeuser

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