The New Season: How Fashion Brands Prepare For Seasonal Anarchy


It’s common knowledge that most relevant fashion brands will switch up their trend offering from season to season. This allows for a three month gestation period where clothing is sold, promoted, put on sale, and then taken from the shelves. This allows inventory to become continually refreshing, and to allow a business to stamp its design ideas on the rest of the world. In other words, each season is an exciting time for a brand. However, some of the behind the scenes practices can shed a little light into the inner working of this company.

When seasonal chaos comes around, how do fashion brands cope with this crazy new demand?

With these simple practices:

In Advance

While it may look like the seasonal work is fresh and a completely new idea, fashion brands often wait until the end of a current season to begin planning the trends for next year. This can help them find what’s hot, predict trends, and decide what styles to try and promote. After all, the art of good fashion brands is never to simply follow style, but to create style. Fashion brands take the time well in advance to ensure they have every contingency planned out, from style to marketing to configuration of clothing, reinvesting profits to optimize crafting procedures.

Small brands can take advantage of this too. Looking ahead, staying observant and refining your clothing all year can help your plans stay sharp when the time comes to unveil them for the new season.


Digital Synergy

In order to function correctly, fashion brands need to keep a crystal clear degree of communication with relevant departments. Aesthetics must be crafted with trends in mind, but they must also be developed with marketing reach ahead. With all these colorful ideas bouncing around the entire business, it can be easy for designs, test photography and many other important digital asset material to become lost in the chaos. For seasonal anarchy, you surely need your document anarchy solved. This can help the best ideas rise to the top, will allow young visionaries in your business to express their ideas with more clarity and in the correct forms, and generally help your business stay the most effective day after day, especially when crunch time rolls around four times a year.

Inspiration From All Around

While fashion brands do craft style, and they do aim to be the top and most prestigious fashion brand in their select market, they don’t come up with the ideas in a complete vacuum. The best trends are informed by those that have gone before, always with an idea of quality, and paying respect to fashion standards that are universal. In other words, a great fashion brand allows the past to define its present, which then pushes into the future. Put even more simply, fashion brands are fuelled by inspiration, and that passion can help them burn through the seasonal demands with excitement, never lethargy.

With these tips, your fashion brand is sure to encounter its first seasonal change with dignity.

Featured image Zara

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