Why Getting Fired can help with your career

Why Getting Fired can help your Career


If you read this title, you will surely be wondering how it is possible that something that seems to mark the end of your career may help you.

No one ever sees the positive side of getting fired, but perhaps from today before despairing and thinking that your career is over, you will stop and reflect.

Reconsider Things

When you get fired you question your career, you analyse what you did until now and above all, you think about what you really want from life. Many people realise they want to change job and industry only after getting fired. And doing so, they achieve an even better and happier lifestyle. Probably if nobody fired them, they would have remained in that company forever, as passive people who live life without really thinking about what they really want.

Getting fired may turn out to be the best thing that has ever happened to you

You can take some time to clear your ideas and get inspired to start a new business.

The number one reason that prevents people from starting their own business is the financial one. Leaving a monthly salary is not easy, but getting fired triggers something psychological in us, the sense of guilt of leaving a job disappears, because we have not been the proponents of the action.

It’s not something that only happens to you

People who have now launched their successful businesses or who have a prestigious job got fired from their previous ones. It’s quite common, so do not think that just because a company fired you, no one else will hire you.

There are various reasons why a company fires and very often is because of reorganisation strategies. So it does not mean you have not been a good employer.

Did you know that Anna Wintour was fired before taking the reins of Vogue?

 “I think everyone should be fired; it’s character building.”

Steve Jobs was fired from his own company and came back even stronger than before.

Bloomberg was fired when the company he was working at was acquired by another, and after that, he founded one of the most successful media companies in the world.

You don’t always need to get yourself fired from a job to change direction – I suggest you to read this post – but consider getting fired as a sign of change that brings something new and even better to your life. Do not throw yourself down, roll up your sleeves and think about whether your next move will be starting your business, changing industry or applying for your favourite company.


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