6 Tools you Need for a Successful Career in Fashion


The competitiveness of the fashion industry and the fact that nowadays we all have a more or less prestigious degree (and that for fashion companies is always less important than the work experiences) mean that in order to navigate successfully in this sector, you need more than just a diploma or specialization.

For a successful career in the fashion industry, you need tools that go beyond the standard education. There is no need for big investments and the tools I’m about to talk to you cost much less than a fashion course and are much more practical and useful for your career. It is enough to invest a little monthly amount on your personal development consistently to get enormous results. Like when you decide to invest in an annual gym membership because you know that in just one month you can’t achieve the desired results and that only people who are constant and with goals, get in shape. The same goes for your career. And then let’s face it: investing in a gym membership brings benefits in physical and mental terms, while investing in your career is the only way to have a return to an ever-increasing profitability, because the more competent you are, the more tools you have the more competitive you’ll be, the more you’ll go ahead with your career and achieve optimal results. This does not mean that you have to give up everything to invest all your money in your career, but especially at the beginning, it is important that you invest as much as possible in your development, because this is when you will need it most. You will surely see the benefits. I cut the gym membership and started running outdoors or doing pilates at home early in my career. I preferred to invest that same monthly sum in useful tools like the ones I’m going to list and I’ve seen great benefits. Running outdoors and training at home is not so bad;)

Now I’m going to list the tools you need, but before you start, take a notepad or open a note on your smartphone and start listing these tools as you read them. At the end of the post, have a look at the list and check the ones you already have and mark what you need. At the end of the post, I’ve listed how much you need to invest monthly in your career and you will see that the sum is very low.

Here are the tools you need for a successful career in fashion:

1.The first tool you need to get a job

The first step towards a new job is the construction of your CV because it is that document that companies require first and based on which you will be evaluated even before you have the opportunity to present yourself in-person and show how much you are worth (ugly truth). The CV is, therefore, your business card that must express how much you are worth and that shows that your skills are in line with the job and corporate values. You can be the best person for that role, but if your CV is not well structured or does not contain keywords and is not specific to that position, fashion companies will discard it without giving you a chance.
Need help with your CV? Take a look at our templates approved by fashion companies, or at the CV Review service. We have already helped so many girls to improve their CVs and get the job of their dreams! PS premium and annual members have included a review and a template for free in the subscription.

2. The n.1 tool for your career: Your Network

I will never stop telling you how powerful is your network. Do you know that most jobs in fashion are assigned through word of mouth? So the more people you know, the more career opportunities you will have. Whether you’re looking for your first job, working in a company, starting your own brand or changing jobs later, your connections are the most powerful tool you have. They are your point of reference, the people who are part of the fashion industry and to whom you ask when you have a doubt, with whom you talk and exchange opinions on the industry and the people who will be useful to you when you are looking for your next job opportunity. Networking in the fashion industry is not so simple and for many, it is one of the most difficult things to do, but just because we know how important connections are, we have made networking one of the cornerstones of the GO membership. Our members can in fact network both online – through the exclusive private Whatsapp and Facebook group and the webinars – and offline through our events. Start creating your business card today and if it is the case, rename your Instagram profile and create a professional e-mail ([email protected]) because you’ll have to exchange them with as many people as possible.

3. The tool for personal and professional growth: Books

Your studies are very important but I think that schools lack the practical approach. In any case, beyond the studies, once completed or in progress, it is always necessary to deepen your knowledge and become as expert as possible of everything concerning the fashion industry. The more you know the more you will be able to respond during the job interview, to make better decisions in terms of your career, to deal consciously with situations at work and more. Books are a source of information and continuous inspiration. Reading at least one book a month can really change your life and career. Here are some of the titles on our list that we have already read or will read in the coming months (not only fashion related but also career books):

4. The tool that costs you 0€ but that is worth millions: Your Personal Brand

Today it is more important than ever to build your own online presence. You don’t need to want to become an influencer or start a blog to work on your online brand. Recruiters today use social media to hire and they look at your social profiles (Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn) immediately after (or even before) screening your CV. Many people have received job offers directly from LinkedIn or Instagram. It is therefore fundamental to take care of your online image and use social media as a tool to show your skills and knowledge. If you want to become a stylist, for example, it is essential that you publish your works, your inspirations and everything that represents your brand on a tool such as Instagram. You must consider yourself as a brand: your online presence is the image that represents you to the world, what do you want people to think about you? That you are a marketing expert, a fashion photographer, a stylist, a PR? Create a website with an about page and explain to the world what you do, who you are and publish some of your works. Pandora Sykes is a journalist, podcaster and author, take a look at her website http://www.pandorasykes.com/about/ because it is the perfect representation of how an online presence should be created and maintained.

5. A tool who guides you: A Mentor

Having a person who follows you and manages to guide you in career development is a great tool for not wasting time trying to figure out what is right for you or how to deal with certain situations and to have support in general from those who know the sector. The GO Membership is like a sort of a mentor. Our members have access to unlimited resources of exclusive articles with super practical advice and also receive our new ebook for free. The premiums and the annual members have also access to free consultations, so not only the CV Review but also consultations via email or by phone (PS the annual subscription costs € 13/month = 0.41 cents/day = less than what spend in coffee every day). Being part of a community is very useful for your career because you feel part of a group of people who share your same interests, with whom you can exchange opinions, ask for help and much more. The beauty of the GO membership is that it is international: the members live and work or study everywhere in the world, so your network will expand without boundaries and you will have a point of reference in all the influential countries of the fashion industry!

6. The practical tool: the Experience

More and more fashion companies consider experiences more than the schools attended. This is because, as mentioned above, today we all have a degree and therefore what can distinguish us from each other, apart from the personal characteristics, are the experiences gained. Fashion companies greatly consider past experiences. If you are at the beginning of your career then try to gain some experience by interning or assisting someone, create your own website and do everything to start practicing in the industry.

At the end of this post, you will then find yourself with a note made of this list:

  • CV
  • Networking
    •    In-person: Events
    •    Online: LinkedIn and Instagram
  • Books
  • Personal branding
  • Mentor
  • Experience

Here is how much you should invest monthly if you want to include all these tools:

  • CV 10-32 € (if you invest in a CV template or CV Review – PS this is an expense you’ll olny have once and not recurring every month)
  • Networking 0-50 € (try to attend some events from time to time, the cost of events varies, for our events, it has always been 28-39 € for VIP tickets, while networking online is free)
  • Books € 15 (the average cost of a book per month)
  • Personal Branding 0€: starting a website and an Instagram / LinkedIn profile is free
  • Mentor: the GO membership starts from € 13 / month
  • Experience 0€: interning or working costs nothing and indeed, except for some unpaid internships, you will make money

Our annual membership (€ 13 / month) includes almost everything! Except for experience that is not a cost, and moreover the GO membership will help you get your job.

Investing in your career as you see, costs less than the monthly gym pass. Not everyone is aware that it takes so little every month to get huge results! Against a minimum salary of € 1,200 per month in the fashion industry (for internships on average salary is € 600/month) investing in your career that litlle sum is nothing compared to what you can achieve.


Stefan Laban, URBN Global Head of International

Today we are happy to welcome Stefan Laban, URBN Global Head of International. URBN is the parent company…

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