So you finished Fashion what?

So you finished Fashion School…now what?


So you just finished fashion school, congratulations!  It feels good, doesn’t it? But now you’re probably thinking, “well now what”?  Like any college or university program, it is a huge accomplishment graduating from fashion school.  You’ve spent anywhere from 2-4 years studying the industry and spending hours upon hours perfecting your projects so you can have a killer portfolio at the end of it.  Now that you’re finished it’s time to finally decide which area you want to dive into. And if you still don’t know what that is…that’s totally fine too. Don’t listen or compare yourself to others who may know exactly what they want.  Go at your own pace.

If you’re one of those people who know exactly what they want, great, then go after it!  Having laser focus will help you take the necessary steps towards your career goals. Upon graduating keep a journal that contains all your career goals/dreams. Then create your MAP (Massive Action Plan), write down the steps you need to take to achieve those goals, then under those steps write down your actions and skills required.  Keeping track of these steps will help you stay organized and motivated. In this journal also write down your “Why”, this will help you really identify your purpose in the industry and is something you can come back to if you’re feeling unmotivated. Internships are a great way to get your foot in the door. Really look for those opportunities that will bring you closer to your goals and are part of your MAP.  

Whether you scored your first fashion job right after college or you still don’t know what you want to do, my biggest suggestion is always keep learning and improving your skills.  Just because you graduated from fashion school with honors doesn’t mean you can’t learn more. Keep up to date on trends, read every fashion book you can get your hands on, look at different fashion blogs, watch fashion week, take other courses, and/or learn a new skill.  A great tool to use is our GO membership, it allows you to have a community to network with, access to industry leader interviews, and guides you through the process of getting your dream jobs.  The more you know and can do, the more job opportunities you will have.  There is always room for more knowledge and improvements, even those who have already established a career and conquered the industry are still finding ways to improve.

If you’re one of those people that don’t know what area to work in don’t worry, you have plenty of time and it might mean you’re just multi-passionate.  First start eliminating the careers you already know you won’t like and write down why, if you know the why behind it, it will make it easier to identify what you do like.  Then start writing down your strengths and the things you enjoy, whether it’s writing, photoshoots, design, public speaking, etc.  This will help you narrow down your options but my advice would be to do as many different internships or jobs you can get.  You won’t truly know how much you like or dislike something if you haven’t tried it. Diving into the work will be your biggest deciding factor.  

Knowing what you want to do and actually getting a job doing that is a real challenge. You need to maintain focus and have an exceptional work ethic. Building your personal brand can be key to snagging your dream job.  What I mean by personal brand isn’ not having your own clothing line or company, it’s your personal image on social media platforms.  Social media now plays a huge role in the hiring process especially in a creative industry like fashion.  Having a page that showcases your work and style in a sophisticated manner is what companies love to see, and you can tell a lot about a person based on their Instagram feed.  But social media isn’t the only way to have a personal brand. Create a website presenting your portfolio and all your hard work or start a blog to document your style and knowledge.  Creating a personal brand for yourself and establishing what you do and can offer is a huge bonus and advantage over other candidates going after the same jobs.

When you’re building your personal brand on social media start connecting with others in the industry. Networking is a major key in the fashion world, and you never know where it will take you and having as many contacts as you can is another advantage when applying for jobs or even starting your own company.  The internet is a great way to meet other industry professionals but nothing beats meeting them in person. Get involved in your community and be in the know of every and all events that are happening where you live, even if it’s not fashion related, you never know who you will meet.  

One of the biggest mistakes people make is sitting around waiting for opportunities to present themselves, and I’m here to tell you it doesn’t work like that.  Achieving your goals not only comes from hard work and dedication but also consistency. It may take years to reach your dream job but with consistency and perseverance, there is no doubt you will accomplish it.  

Get out there and create your own opportunities even if sacrifices have to be made. If you really want to achieve something then make it a priority and don’t let anything stand in your way.

Even if that means moving across the country or world for better job opportunities, skipping outings with friends, waking up at 5am before work, or going to bed at 2am.  Nothing good comes easy and if success was easy everyone would be successful.

My last piece of advice is to maintain a positive attitude. Having a good mindset will overall improve your work ethic and keep you motivated.  You won’t get the perfect job right away and you might have to work several crappy jobs, but don’t get discouraged or give up. When you’re in those negative situations focus on your goals to pull you through.  Surround yourself with positive like-minded people who will help you stay motivated through the process.

So to recap, here are my tips on life after fashion school:

  1. Plan it out: create an action plan and steps you need to take
  2. Continuously educate yourself on the industry and new skills
  3. Internships: try different ones to identify what you want
  4. Build a personal brand: showcase your work
  5. Create your own opportunities: be ready to make sacrifices
  6. Maintain a positive attitude: don’t get discouraged, keep yourself motivated

Words Kristin Rouse


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